Mach-Speed Announcements

Here is where I will be listing announcements dealing with: Mach-Speed, Sighthound Disc Sport,  pedigree dogs in SaiGon, VietNam, and SouthEast Asia, Whippets and other Sighthounds, Whippets and other Sighthounds on the net, and maybe even any other topics related to Mach-Speed and to me.


The “Retro Arcade” Litter

Jr. Champion Karadhras Tinker Bell @ Mach-9 (Łajka) will be bred to Champion Rocket from Pocket Yakuza.Gdy (Rocket) around December 2011.  Puppies are expected to arrive around February 2012 and will be ready for their new homes in April, 2011.  These two champions from Europe are truly in love and live together in close companionship since Łajka’s puppyhood.  They are a perfect match not only through their love, but also in “type” and by the fact that the planned litter would have an inbreeding coefficient (COI) of 0.000(calculated back 6 generations).  Inquires on puppies from this litter for pet/show/sport can be made by email:

Dam:  Karadhras Tinker Bell @ Mach-9

Łajka (pronounced WHY-kah) reached National Junior Champion status in record time – receiving Best of BreedJunior Best of Breed, or BOTH, in nearly all of her show appearances.  This girl really turned out to be a favourite back in Europe — both with the judges and with quite a few in the whippet community.  It was a wonderful feeling to see some judges visibly and audibly in awe of her. With the magic height of just under 50cm, and the reactions of the judges in the ring, we can only wonder what showing with a professional handler might have done for her “Best of Group” and “Best of Show” chances.

She has an adorable temperament.  When she is on the field for whatever activity, she refuses to lose to any other dog.  Unfortunately, she never got a chance to compete in lure-coursing before we leftEurope.  Surely she would really excel in this sport.  She is fast and determined like no other.  It even seems that much of her speed comes from her determination itself.

Sire: Rocket from Pocket Yakuza.Gda

Rocket reached National Champion status in European show-rings in a relatively small number of shows.  Rocket and his siblings have shown great skills in lure-coursing, Frisbee, and other sports.  Rocket is the unofficial record-holder of the “longest thrown object caught by a dog”.  He catches Aerobie throws (without false-starting) of 100 to 140+ meters and is a high jumper.  Guinness Book has officially sanctioned Mach-Speed to officially set the new record with Rocket.  He has proven 40-50 times that he can break this record.  Mach-Speed hopes to officially set the record sometime between now and mid 2012 at some larger dog event, sporting event, or other large happening.

Rocket is extremely focused and intelligent on the field.  He, like no other sighhound so far, has really mastered Sighthound Disc Sport  (see MachSpeed website and links).



2)  If you would like a blog/website like this one  for your kennel, please feel free to contact me by email:  .    And if you would like to have a website like  ,  then contact the webmaster.  His contact can be found on the intro page of that site.


1) Please visit the Whippet-Link Mega-List and see if you can help me add more links or update dead links.  You can find this list of 1000+ whippet links in the tab menu of this blog.  If you could at least take o look at the links from your part of the world and give me a hand filling it in, it would be greatly appreciated.  Notice that there are MS Excel tabs at the bottom.  There you can select the lists of organizations, online shops, etc.  In the future, this link-list will be presented in a more attractive and useful format than how it is at present.

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